How to improve your memory in 10 minutes

One of the best ways to avoid memory problems is to have a healthy lifestyle victory 996. This prevents cognitive decline and strengthens the brain, even favors neurogenesis, the process that generates new neurons.

Let’s also see what practices anyone can apply to improve their memory:

Practice physical exercise

It is recommended to do some type of physical exercise. Physical activity helps improve our minds by stimulating the multiplication of nerve cells and reinforcing their interconnections.

Research from the University of California (USA) also showed that practicing moderate physical exercise favors the memorization of what has been learned in advance.

This study confirmed that physical exercise releases norepinephrine, which acts as a neurotransmitter, and notably manages to develop memory.

Sleep well

Sleeping the necessary hours is vitally important to have a 100% mind. Lack of sleep is one of the worst enemies of the cognitive functions of our brain.

A study conducted over several decades showed that restful sleep each night, sleeping the necessary hours, has a direct effect on learning and long-term memory.

In the same way, but in reverse, insomnia problems greatly hinder cognitive processes, creating learning problems, hindering concentration and causing memory failure.

Take a nap

Related to the previous point, “sticking a nap” of about 20 minutes helps our brain to remember more efficiently what has been learned. The nap benefits the consolidation of what has been learned in the most comfortable and passive way.

Get proper nutrition

Caring for food is very important. Including certain foods will help our brain function better and even stimulate the creation of brain cells.

Some foods, such as nuts, bluefish, or green vegetables, contain components and substances that benefit memory and prevent brain deterioration.

On the other hand, various investigations confirm that the ketogenic diet, low in carbohydrates and high in proteins and fats, notably favors memory capacity and mental concentration.


Laughter is the best natural medicine for our brain. It releases stress, which is one of the main causes of memory problems.

Furthermore, the information that we find funny is much better consolidated in the file of our mind, and also remains for much longer. Laughter stimulates our brain, preserving information in a more effective way.

Maintain an active social life

Maintaining an active social life is highly recommended. Relating to other people requires mental work from our heads, in addition to using language.

A team of researchers published a study in the Journal of Aging Research that confirmed that those who maintained a more active social life had better results in memory tests.

Practice meditation

The meditation exercise is an effective method to improve concentration, reading comprehension, and procedural memory.

According to a study by the University of California (USA), it was shown that the practice of the Mindfulness relaxation technique also favors our memory.

Avoid multitasking

Doing multiple activities at once is not a good idea. There is research that shows that we need 8 seconds to consolidate information in our brains. If the attention is divided into several tasks, fixing the information in our memory will be very ineffective.

It is much more advisable to focus all attention on a single activity, since this way, the mental process will be much clearer.

Drink coffee

Caffeine, in addition to activating us, also favors our memory capacity. Research carried out by Johns Hopkins University (USA) confirmed that consuming coffee after facing an important task helps to reinforce the processes involved in memory, reducing the effects of forgetting the day after.

Eat chocolate

Several studies that have been published by the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology affirm that flavonols, one of the elements of cocoa, favor a more effective cognitive capacity.

This component of cocoa benefits neurogenesis stimulates cerebral perfusion and favors certain alterations in the areas connected with memory and learning.